Our world is broken. I see that everywhere I look, but most clearly within.
I think that I often take for granted the true depth of faith.
If I truly believed what I say I believe would I feel it quite so necessary to have an opinion on a million things that I have no control over? I listen to the perception that most of the world has of Christians and if I’m honest it breaks my heart.
The things that are said: Hypocrites, homophobes, money-hungry, judgmental, etc. These labels are put onto Christians, but what that really means is they are put onto Jesus.
Do we see that? Do we really see?
To carry the title of a Christian is to also carry the title of the one who is called the Christ, but none of these labels fit Jesus at all! When people hear the name of Jesus, I wonder what they think? These crimes we commit wearing his clothes are atrocious and unfair. It breaks my heart.
I have been slowly making my way through the book of Job for the past week or so. As I hear the accusations of each of Job’s friends I see myself. How often do we give advice and cast judgments without actually listening to the hearts of the broken—mind you are all broken so we should be highly attuned and empathetic to the brokenness in others. I think that we get so wrapped up in things that we want to change that we neglect to remember that change is truly beyond our control. There is nothing that I can say or do to change the heart of anyone I know, but what I can do is trust that in His time God will do so. When people ask me about things like homosexuality, abortion, murder, rape, etc…what is my response? Is it judgment towards the person or is it love? My personal opinions do not matter. They really don’t. I am in no position to have a stance on anything. Not in reality. I know so little of the world, but what I do know is that if you truly turn your heart to God that he will address every dark issue within your heart, and that I was called to share that Love with the world. To go out and tell everyone that there is someone who knows their deepest, darkest secrets and loves them anyway.
Look at the woman who was caught in adultery. The town wanted to kill her, but Jesus saw her brokenness and saved her—telling all who stood against her, so caught up in their own pride, that they were just as broken and could not judge. He healed her heart. (John 8:1-11)
Look at the woman at the well, seemingly outcast from society and yet Jesus came up to her and spoke to her out of love. She was forever changed. (John 4:1-42)
So I want to focus on love, only love, and trust God to do what he says he will do because I cannot. I am just as broken so I’m dropping my rocks.