You are enough.
Those little words somehow they're changing us.
-Sleeping At Last, "You Are Enough"
Sometimes we go out searching for validation of self from other people.
We tweet, and Facebook, and Tumbl hoping someone will like what we’ve said and provide us with a small amount of “self-worth”.
What falls short in that mentality though is that we are looking for self-worth outside of our selves. We will never find it there. Ever.
It has to begin from within and when that happens…when something clicks within our hearts that says, “Oh, who I am is enough. Who cares if that guy (or girl) doesn’t see or like me? Who cares if the world doesn’t notice that I exist? What matters is that I care and believe that I am pretty great as I am now and as I am going to be later.”
I don’t think we hear that enough. Not from the world and certainly not from ourselves (or at least I know that I do not!)
For me, personally, I know that true inner validation comes from God, and I believe that this is where the purest and most true validation comes from—that knowledge that the hands that created me cared and valued every piece of me—but I am also aware enough of the world to know that not everyone will see that. I also know that there is nothing I can say to convince you that what I believe is true.
I don’t have the power within me to change your heart, but I do have a voice to say that you, my friend, are worth so much more than you give yourself credit.
I have a voice to say that I hope for a small moment you allow yourself to believe that you’re wonderful as you truly are at your heart and that you will come alive to that version of yourself and not accept what the world deems “worthy.” The world doesn’t know you. Only you know you.
Please don’t accept less than that? And pray that I, too, will not forget because I am prone to doubt.