Tuesday 9 October 2012

Answering questions of faith

If someone were to come up to me tomorrow and ask me why I am Christian, why I believe what I believe I would probably tell them I have seen the darkness that invades a person's life and leads them to believe that death is the only out. I have also seen the hope that permeates from a person's heart and helps them battle that darkness. Having seen both darkness and light I can see that there is a standard for each and that their must be an Author of said standard. I can see the evidence of this authorship in the changes in my character and my heart as I make the choice every day to follow Him. I can see the evidence of his influence on my heart and actions as a child and also the clear differences in the moments in my life when I stepped away from him, overwhelmed by worldly and selfish desires.

The thing is, I do not know if that is a good enough explanation and I do not know if the life that I live exemplifies this knowledge. I want more than anything to live a life that pleases God, but I struggle to find the proof of that desire in my thoughts and actions. I am a self-centered being trying to live a new life daily.
I'm not even sure if I'm making sense.

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