Wednesday, 7 November 2012

It is no secret that I love to read. I have been known to slip away from the crowd to sit quietly and read, or to run to a bookshop and lose myself for a few hours temporarily leaving the world behind me. There is something wholly enchanting about the way that books invade my mind. They reach deep inside of me and sate the ever-growing need for adventure within me. They give me the words to express those things which I had deemed inexpressible within my heart and they grant me the sanity to know that I am not alone in my weird quirkiness.
I love to read and so I find it prudent to thank God when incredible books are placed into my life as they are always most opportunely timed. This year in particular was a good year for books. When my heart was a bit heavy, God sent me The Scent of Water  by Naomi Zacharias and reminded me that he is with me always--despite my mistakes--and I grew stronger. When my restlessness was at its peak and I could feel this ache to leave deep within my soul, he sent me The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis to remind me that the greatest adventure of my life was the one that led me to him and showed me a glimpse of the beauty that was in store as well as the heartache for those who would not believe (this also called me to live out my faith more audaciously because I never want my loved ones to feel the sting of that rejection from God). Now, when my insecurities are in a constant state of flux he has given me Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, though I have not gotten incredibly far (proper reading time being in short supply at the moment)  I am already amazed by the beauty of the narrative and the confidence it brings.

I love to read, and the joy of a good book is so much greater than I could express. If the way to my heart is through a good book then should the one who brought these books to me want it he is off to a fairly good start. I love to share the books that I love because in the same way that each book I am given impacts my life where it is, I know that God does the same for others and cannot wait to hear the way he moves in them as well!

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