Monday, 4 February 2013

You never leave

I am thankful.
Thankful that I serve a God who strengthens me in my weakness.
Who lifts me up when I am down and who loves me even though I fail.
I am thankful.
Thankful for friends who pray for me. Who are not afraid to tell me the truth and who love me enough to keep me from hurting myself further.
I am thankful.
Thankful for a pastor who is humble enough to ask for prayer. Thankful for a friends who send me scriptures and songs to remind me that I am never alone. God is with me and so are they.
I am thankful
It is enough.
I could sing for days about the beauty of this world that my God has made for me. The intricate details that create a beautiful masterpiece. Yes, there is pain, but from pain comes beauty and I have learned that following God's will is not always easy, but it is always right.

Thank you, Father. For the moon. For the stars. For your love and for your grace.

I love you always.
I heard this song Sunday night and I have not been able to get it out of my head. 
Perfectly placed at a time in my life when it was exactly what my heart was trying to say.
Thank you Father.

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