Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Listen to the Mustn'ts

When I was a child I loved Shel Silverstein--If I'm being honest I still love him. 
One of my favorite poems was called "Listen to the Mustn'ts". It told me to look beyond what I was told to the truth within. Funny that this is something we teach to children, and yet are so easily coerced into doing the opposite. 
Little half truths and twisted lies lead us astray. Pull us from our belovedness in Christ. When Satan speaks we know he is telling lies, and yet we listen.We allow those things to shape our being rather than the truth of God's love. 
"He doesn't like you because you aren't pretty, smart, brave, sane...insert thing here...enough" 
"She doesn't want to be your friend because....",
"You aren't important." 
"You are alone."
The lies we are told play on our insecurities, making us feel less than we are and worst of all they encourage us seek our identity in fruitless things. In our social or marital status, in our things (or lack thereof). We sit, and we mope, and with that little lie planted in our heads we create an entire universe to live in where we are the center. These lies all corrupt our pride in some way and as C.S. Lewis said so eloquently, "...the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.” -Mere Christianity
Pride kills. 
It creeps in seemingly unnoticed as it corrupts our hearts, turning us more towards ourselves and further from the God who loves and created us. Even, or perhaps especially, when we wallow in self pity we are victims of pride. We are told that we are not unaware of the devil's schemes and that he prowls like a roaring lion 
(I love that image. Lions are silent when they hunt, but the Devil is so prideful that he roars--making his presence known--as he attacks. Wow.)
and yet we still fail, and will continue to do so until that glorious day when death and evil are defeated.
If I sound overly preachy, friends, I do not apologize. This truth it haunts me. In my own life I am so often a victim of these schemes. 
I fight and I fall. 
I fight and I fall. 
I fight and I fall.
It seems a never-ending cycle. 
And you might feel the same, but I promise you friend, a brighter day is coming.
Don't listen to that voice telling you that you are not worthy.

Listen to the Mustn'ts
by Shel Silverstein 

Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
      Listen to the DON'TS
      Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
      Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me-
      Anything can happen, child,

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