In the quiet we can process our emotions.
We can try to figure out the chaos of our minds. Mine is racing.
I yearn for quiet.
I recently had a chat with a friend that I could not stop thinking about.
She was at a marriage seminar and something that was said made her think of me.
The pastor was addressing the husbands, explaining to them the way that they should treat their wives,
"Remember, she's not yours, she's God's. Treat her as such."
On paper we would say we knew that.
We knew that the men and women we share our hearts with are children of God, but when we look at our interactions we would see that we drop the ball constantly.
I let my anger,
my pride,
even my fear get the best of me and I stumble.
I am rude and inconsiderate.
I act without thinking and I speak when I should be silent.
The statement she shared with me was one that I needed to hear.
It was as if God were gently reminding me of not only my place in his heart, but that I needed to take greater strides towards loving his creation, in seeing them as they truly are meant to be seen.
To truly learn what it means to love my neighbor as myself.
Sometimes love speaks loudest in silence, in the quiet we can grow.
This is so eloquent and beautiful. Thank you for the reminder. <3