I am a very awkward person.
Some might disagree with that statement. I have heard in the past that I am less awkward than I think I am, but at my heart I know that I am quite awkward. Large social settings intimidate me. My self confidence is low enough that within a week of moving away from a place I immediately believe that everyone has forgotten me. I create grandiose scenarios in my head that leave me alone and afraid of the world and the people in it, but despite my shortcomings God gave me a personality that draws people--I have no idea how. If left to my own devices I would probably spend forever reading, knitting and finding random adventures to escape the monotony of life. God, however, pulls me out of my comfort zone and gives me incredible friendships, long conversations, and a desire to know people better, to love and care for them. Like David defeating Goliath or Daniel in the lions' den, God uses a foolish, awkward child to shame the wise. It's beautiful, really.
Tonight at church we changed things up. We did what was called a kind of "campfire" worship--we all gathered around in a circle and sang a few songs together. I loved it because for once I could truly see each member of the congretation. It didn't feel like I was worshipping "at" them, but truly with them. As we sang the chorus to the song "We Won't Be Shaken" I had a feeling of community. No. I did not know them all on a personal level and there was a good chance that I never would. I probably didn't agree with everything that they thought or felt. We probably viewed God in completely different ways--and we were probably all wrong as I tend to be when it comes to seeing God--but none of that mattered. What mattered was that in that moment we were all worshipping the same God. We were all together for one purpose and one purpose alone and I felt it. I felt included in a body that though broken was striving for perfection.
One of my favorite bands--if you read my blog you'll hear that thrown around a lot. I just love music so I have a lot of "favorites"--has an album called Campfire. In it they talk about the heart of worship and community and tonight that is what I felt for the first time in a long time. It made me see the church in a beautiful and simple way. A group of people just focusing not on each other or their own selfish desires, but on God at the center of their worship. The only one worthy of praise.
the beauty of church is that it champions unity while adamantly rejecting uniformity. While the “megachurch” models itself on the picture of God in His might, glory and holiness, the campfire model tries to reflect God in His incarnate form: something human, touchable, and humbly beautiful. -Rend Collective Experiment
Heavenly Father,
Let me not get caught up in the show, but let my heart humbly seek you in all things. Let me worship you with a desperate abandon because without you I am nothing. Thank you for your bride to encourage me in my pursuit of you. We love you, Lord. Let us not forget that simple truth.
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