Sunday 14 October 2012

A servant's heart

A friend of mine recently was given this beautiful vision from God--I say recently, but he's had this on his heart for some time it has only recently begun to come into fruition--of uniting the young adult population of our county in service for Christ
I love this idea.
Listening to him speak ignited that fire in my heart that loves serving others and reminded me of why I got this tattoo on my foot. I am to be a light in this world, and while I do serve a little there is so much more that I can--and do not--do. I am excited for the opportunity to watch him grow this project. To see the reactions of every person we meet with. To see their excitement because I strongly believe that inside each of us is a heart of service. We need only find what service it is that ignites our passion for Christ's bride. To bring us closer to those who cannot help themselves and to shine God's glorious light onto their paths. 
Having been in the darkness, I know how wonderful it is to have God pull you out. Sometimes he uses a song or a book, sometimes a particular experience, but I think the most amazing moment is when he blesses a person with the opportunity to reach out and help that person. To forge a new relationship and to grow His kingdom!
I have always believed that my path in life was to teach. I spent 4 1/2 years in my undergrad and nearly 2 working on my Master's for that specific purpose. One day, when the frustrations of graduate school (and life) were drowning me God reached out for me and placed this idea for a bookshop/cafe into my heart. Never in a million years did I dream this would be my life, but it was fitting. I corrupted God's idea--worrying, as many humans do, how a bookshop would make money in this day and age--I allowed a friend to convince me that a bar was the only way to make it work, and while that idea did seem exciting, it was never fully in my heart. I wanted a place where people could gather, could learn, could grow. I wanted children to feel comfortable and to develop a love for books--as they most certainly changed my life. I wanted a place where local churches could have their small groups. Where students could gather to study, and where God's light could shine from every inch. Needless to say I have since dropped the bar aspect.
Every day something new reminds me of how much I need God's grace. How often I have failed Him, but that the power of His great love overcomes my sins.
I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He loves us. Oh, how He loves us...
I do not know what God's plan is for my future, but I know that I can trust Him and that He will guide me to a place where the gifts He has so graciously given me will be utilized for the glory of His kingdom. Will it be in the way of this bookshop? Who knows? I certainly do not, but I am incredibly excited to see how He moves. Every step of this path has not been easy, but through each one I have been cradled by a loving God and I can ask for nothing more.
  For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
-Jeremiah 29:11

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