Sunday 14 October 2012

The art of forgiveness

My small group and I are memorizing 1 Corinthians 13 together. 
This is a chapter that has always been important to me as the idea of love--especially learning to love the way that God loves-- is one that I find fascinating. More on this another time. I had a chat with a wonderful friend tonight about forgiveness referring back to the idea that love keeps no record of wrongs. I explained that while I get unacceptably disappointed when people let me down (something that I am working on because I should not put so much stock in man) I also find that the closer I get to God the more quickly I can forgive someone because I can take into account the fact that they did not mean to hurt me (and were probably unaware that they had). She, however, had excellent insight on this idea (as always) explaining that while, yes, it is important to forgive it is also important to explain to someone who loves you why you were upset to begin with. What an novel idea! (not really, but so hard for me to remember). I love knowing how I can make a relationship better and knowing the way that I have upset someone in the past is the clearest way for me to improve said relationship. So now my goal is to articulate how I can do the same for others in my life.

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