Thursday, 28 February 2013


"I did this so that..."
"I said this so that..."
"I want this so that..."


Have you ever really thought about that little word? Recently I have noticed that when it is used it shows more than a simple shows the state of my heart.

I went to work early today so that I could read before my co-workers came in.
I told my friend I was busy so that I could sleep longer.
I want an ipad mini so that I can blog more frequently.

Each thing, when evaluated further, shows a small snippet of what is inside of me. Whether it is a need for more solitude and reading time. A tendency to lie to fulfill my own desires (and also a lack of proper rest?) Or a desire to express myself hinting towards materialism.

These are the things in my heart and most of them aren't pretty.

So what if I add this word to my prayers?

Father, please let this situation happen so....

So what? So that I can be glorified or so that God can be? Because if at their heart the things that I pray for are for my own personal pleasure RATHER than for the glory of God. (Which let's be honest, is quite often.)  I do not want them. Not really. The greatest desire of my heart is to align it with God's. To seek Him above all things. To die completely to myself and to live in His grace, but I fail at it. Every day I fail, but in truly opening my heart and humbling myself before God with this simple word I have found a shift in certain desires, a strengthening in others, and an overall transformation of the way that I pray.

I love how God moves in the little things
so that He can be glorified :)

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