Friday 26 October 2012

Running to stand still

Dear God,
I trust you with so much, but there are certain aspects of my life where I allow fear to hold me back. I know with every fiber of my being that your plans are perfect and that I will not have freedom from myself, my insecurities, my fears until I relinquish them wholly to you. Father, help me to do that. Help me to give it all to you because you love me in ways stronger and greater than I could begin to experience on this earth. I want to dive in and drown in your grace and love. I want to grow in every way that you have for me. Help me to escape these fears. I feel your peace surrounding me and I am afraid to accept it. 
I love you, Father. 
Break these chains that are holding me back. 
I give you all of me in this moment of glorious surrender.
Your beautiful, perfect, amazing love drives out fear.
Thank you.

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