Sunday 28 October 2012

There are days when God just wraps me into his arms and reminds me that I am loved.
There are times when I am aware that the truth of the one who loves me shines brighter than any darkness.
There are days when I am indescribably happy.
Today was one of those days.
It wasn't special. Just a typical Sunday, but God used it in such a beautiful way that I cannot help but to give him praise.
We visited a few churches to meet with people about Ylios. The feedback we have gotten thus far has been less than encouraging, but today God timed each visit perfectly. We met so many passionate people, and set up meetings for the future. We were reminded that opposition meant we were doing something worthy of satan's deception and interference. Nothing, however, can stand in God's way.
At one particular church, we heard a message about how God takes us as we are. Broken, scared, lost and shapes us into the person he wants us to be. Initially upon hearing this message my eyes welled with tears. I though of Shea and how she did not understand how beautifully God had made her. I thought of Joel and Chris as well, but for some reason--and I think that is because I was closer to her than the others--it was more than I wanted to handle. I have often thought that I failed her in particular, but God reminds me that her choices were not dictated by me. He placed me perfectly in the arms of comfort--unbeknownst to them--and I smiled at how wonderfully God orchestrates each moment.
The highlight of the day, however, was undeniably laying on the air strip watching the moon drift in and out of the clouds. It was cold, but I was in excellent company and God used the moon, yet again, as an illustration for my life and walk with him. We are to shine our Father's light even when the shadows of life get in the way. In the same way the moon illuminates and shines through the clouds we can shine through our darkness.

Father, that is my praise and that is my prayer.


Thank you

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