Friday 5 October 2012

Today I just needed time to breathe. I ignored my phone. I practiced guitar. I read. I caught up on a few shows. It was delightful. I barely left my bed (post work, of course). I miss the solitude of days like this. One thing that stuck out in my mind, however, whilst watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. The title character said that though Seattle held a lot of tragedy for her it also was the place where she fell in love (among other things). I thought back on the rocky road her relationship had been on and could not help, but say a prayer that my future relationship is nothing like that. I imagine it as nothing even remotely television worthy. The ups and downs of television relationships are enough to scare anyone way from pursuing love. In that moment I was incredibly thankful for my single-ness and for this year I have taken to find myself and better connect with God. I feel as though had I continued down the path I was on I would have wound up in a relationship wholly unlike the one I desire. 

In other news, yesterdays post was supposed to be about my wonderful friend Rusty! We recently re-connected and as always it was as if we had never strayed. I have missed him so much in my life. When the dynamic of male/female relationships is questioned he is the reason I know they can work without being something more or someone harboring hidden feelings. He has been my roommate, my confidant, my shoulder to cry on. We've had our differences and sadly drifted apart for a short bit, but that boy knows me so incredibly well. Talking to him made my day.
I am so thankful for the friendships God has given me. They are far greater than I deserve!
Rusty :)

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